Jaw-dropping new rooms and speakers. Completely new spatial audio modeling.

We’re thrilled to introduce you to Club Indey and Yellow Matter Studios, our two newest additions to the VSX Headphone Mixing System.

Meet Club Indey

Club Indey is our brand-new night club featuring a perfect model of MASSIVE Funktion One speakers. These are the same speakers heard in the world’s best clubs and music festivals like Tomorrowland, Glastonbury, and Ultra.

We obsessed over perfectly capturing every single nuance, no matter how subtle. So when you hear your music in Club Indey, it’s like you're actually there.

Whether you’re mixing Hip-Hop, Electronic, or DJing your set, you no longer have to imagine what your music will sound like in the club– Club Indey lets you hear it right there with unbelievable accuracy.

Enter Yellow Matter Studios

Yellow Matter Studios features models of the Genelec 1032C, Kii Three, and Neumann KH120 speakers that professional mix engineers have been asking for.

The Kii Three has quickly earned the title of most technically advanced studio speaker in the industry. Its time alignment and cardioid bass response project an incredibly detailed audio range without a trace of muddiness. It has become the go-to monitoring solution for some of the biggest names in the industry. The Genelec 1032C are another classic fan-favorite mid/nearfield monitor offering a pristine, accurate response that delivers mixes that translate everywhere. Finally, the smaller Neumann KH120 gives you a tight, natural frequency response that is the perfect companion to the larger speakers. It’s a great way to confirm that your bass will translate to a smaller speaker.

New HRTF Profile Options

HRTF stands for Head-Related Transfer Function. It includes all the factors which shape how your ear hears a sound from any point in space— the size and shape of your head, ears, ear canal, the shape of your nasal cavity, and more.

Our original universal HRTF works well for a wide variety of people. But we added an additional HRTF profile for Club Indey and Yellow Matter Studios. By selecting HRTF A (classic) or HRTF B (new), you’ll be able to get an even more customized spatial audio experience with these new rooms.

Get Club Indey and Yellow Matter Studios today

Club Indey and Yellow Matter Studios are available now to all VSX owners:

  • If you already own VSX Platinum, launch the Steven Slate Audio Center and download your new update FOR FREE 🔥

  • If you own VSX Essentials, you can either purchase Club Indey and Yellow Matter Studios in the VSX Marketplace OR you can upgrade to VSX Platinum and get every room we make (current + future) at no additional cost

*Steven Slate VSX and its modeled listening environments are not affiliated, endorsed, or licensed by Funktion-One, Genelec, Kii Audio, or Neumann.