Imagine a pro drummer playing
the perfect groove for your song 24/7

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Groove AI
Groove AI
Tap, tap, tap in

Tap, tap, tap in

Tap in the kind of drum groove you want and watch GrooveAI handle the rest. You'll see the top grooves that fit your song, and you can filter them by style to find exactly the right drum part your song needs

Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop

Just drag an audio file of you song's bass line, guitar riff, or other rhythmic part and GrooveAI will automatically generate your song's unique beat pattern and list the best-fitting grooves in seconds.

A perfect fit

A perfect fit

With GrooveAI, you're never limited to existing grooves. Tweak and Kick and Snare dials to make any pattern match your song even more precisely. Morph puts thousands of new custom drum patterns at your fingertips.

Build your song

Build your song

Create custom drum parts for your entire song. When you're ready, drag and drop the entire arrangement over the edit window, and BAM- all your drums are done. GrooveAI makes building your song easier than ever before.